
So, who’s the Cheshire cat in paisley?

I’m Paul Raworth Bennett, a creative writer, ardent wordsmith, oddball humorist, cycling and outdoors enthusiast, a proud father, a fortunate friend, and a lucky survivor of youthful tomfoolery!

As a writer I strive to use words to sculpt thoughts, images, and emotions. You’ve probably heard the adage “a picture is worth a thousand words”… but the converse is true: a word can be worth a thousand pictures!

And of course, there’s also “the pen can be mightier than the sword”.

Anyways, “writer” is only one of my personae. Another is career marketing consultant: LinkedIn sharpshooter, résumé specialist, personal branding enthusiast, and all-around client champion!

And what’s this blog all about?

I’ll be publishing poetry and other short fiction and reflections (mine, others’, and maybe even yours, too!) on writing, creativity, the spirit, the mind, personal growth, relationships, and various other erratica.

This won’t be a flashy blog. No bells, whistles, smoke, or mirrors. Just flocks of words – hopefully, flying in some sort of formation – with the occasional picture fluttering along. Just my quirky, searching mind and my naked, weathered soul, reaching out to you. Hopefully you’ll be entertained, enlightened, and even inspired!

So come and play in my sandbox!

Bring your buckets and bulldozers! Challenge and correct me! Amuse and annoy me! Rebuke and report me! Heave those bricks, and toss those roses!

And thank you for visiting my virtual home.

Paul Raworth Bennett (first name only)

2 thoughts on “Welcome!

    1. Thank you Teresa. Are you a creative type yourself (a writer, or otherwise)? If so, I’d enjoy checking out whatever you may have shared online. Have a wonderful Spring!


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